
Advocating for union construction and maintenance.

TAUC’s Political Action Committee (TAUCPAC) is committed to providing opportunities for individuals to engage in dynamic public policy advocacy and advance the goals of the union construction and maintenance sector. TAUCPAC collects personal contributions from individuals employed by TAUC members and distributes those funds to worthy candidates for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives who believe, and have demonstrated their beliefs in, the principles to which our industry is dedicated.


Contributions are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. All contributions are voluntary and you may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Contributions must be made with personal—not corporate—funds. TAUC will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of your contribution or your decision not to contribute. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Individuals may contribute a personal maximum of $5,000 to TAUCPAC per calendar year.

Contribution Form & More Information

prior authorization for taucpac

TAUC is required to obtain “prior authorization” from Member companies before it can communicate more than twice a year with officers or employees of those companies about contributing to TAUCPAC.
Download form

TAUCPAC Articles of association

Download TAUCPAC’s Articles of Association

TAUCPAC Contribution FORM

This form may be used to make contributions to TAUCPAC instead of contributing via the link found above.
Download contribution form

Federal Election Commission Guidelines

This guide replaces the January 2007 edition of the Campaign Guide specific to trade association, membership organizations, corporations and labor organizations. It summarizes the federal campaign finance laws applicable to organizations like TAUC and its separate segregated funds as of October 2017.
Download guide

Key points about taucPAC

  • Prior authorization from contributors must be obtained by TAUC prior to contributions being made to TAUCPAC.

  • Currently, the maximum an individual may contribute in one year is $5,000.

  • Contributions are not tax deductible and must be made with personal funds.

TAUC government affairs Committee

From testifying before Congress to tracking a bill from its initial proposal to final passage, TAUC's Government Affairs division works to protect and advance the interests of the union construction industry. Each year, TAUC hosts a national legislative issues conference in Washington, D.C. Members are strongly encouraged to attend.
Learn more